"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

No, It's OK. Keep The Change. . .

Well, if the cat isn't out of the bag now, it never will be.

Obama's overblown ego and inability to speak coherently in an effort to hide his socialist agenda without a teleprompter was drawn out in spades yesterday while speaking with an average Joe Schmo about Obama's plan to tax businesses that gross more than $250,00 per year.

As Obama's poll numbers rise and McCain's fall or struggle to maintain par, I cringe at the potential frigid winds of an Obama presidency. It's not about his color folks, it's about his policy.

My family has been in business for nearly 40 years. 40 years of ups and downs. And to hear a presidential candidate admit that he will basically take from us and give to them is beyond acceptance. I work hard. My family works hard, harder than they/we/I have to for a living. This business we've put our lives into now for three generations has worked too damn hard for the government to come along and take away MORE of our hard earned money to give to the sullen, spastic mass that is the welfare state of our nation. THEY DON'T DESERVE OUR MONEY ANY LONGER. LBJ's "Great Society" has failed. Why flush more money down the gullet of this violent and insatiable beast?

You want money? Work for it. Otherwise, starve. I'm sorry that you haven't taken advantage of the many opportunities that await you in our free society. The greatest, most open and life-loving society ever formed. You missed your bus, so don't come asking me for a ride.

When you pull that lever in November, or poke your "chad", or tap the touch screen at your local polling station, think of the money in your pocket and the safety and security it buys for you and your family. What if someone walked up behind you and took half, without a thanks, no thanks or kiss my grits? How would you feel about that?

Think about it while you cast your ballot. It's your decision, but we'll all have to live with the outcome.

Anonymous –   – (Friday, October 17, 2008 at 5:24:00 PM CST)  

Bits and pieces are good! When ya coming over?

No PC  – (Saturday, October 18, 2008 at 6:23:00 AM CST)  

The Republicans put up an old man against a slick willy, and can't expect to win.

McCain looks old, tired, and beaten at the moment, so unless something dramatic happens it seems as though the 'revenue man' is a comin!

Demographic changes in the US, with a predicted non White majority by 2042 ad. (http://no-pc.blogspot.com/2008/08/usa-habla-usted-espaol-signor.html for the charts), favour the Democrats winning ever more elections as the immigrants are in their target voter groups.

"Times they are a changing" baby!

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