Ferrell Fest 2009. . .
Well folks, believe it or not, it's on again. Last year's Ferrell Fest was a rousing success with fun, food, games, great music by the Scooter Brown Band and of course, beer. Lots and lots of beer.
What was originally conceived as an annual event has now transmogrified itself into a bi-annual gathering of fine people from the Houston area. As always, Ferrell Fest is hosted by Fabrice Differdange and most certainly Nils will be there, as well as Magnulf Grislubsen.
This year's musical act will be the two man band known as Southbound. They performed recently at Nauti Girl's birthday jamboree and let me tell you something folks, they rocked. And rolled. And rocked a little more. Then rolled. And rocked once more. I think they played more than 5 or 6 hours and we never heard the same song twice unless it was by request of Marslenjurg, who wanted to hear the 12 minute live version of Lynyrd Skynyrd's Freebird over and over and over again. Long story short, they put on a great show.
Here is this year's invitation/banner of random mind jibber, courtesy of yours truly:
Looks like a good time toast...i bet you can't wait to attend