"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

Let The Beatings Begin. . .

The war is on folks. Join the fight against intrusive governmental control over your health care options and frankly, your life in general.

As it has been previously and repeatedly noted, the health care industry represents approximately 7 to 15% of our total economy depending on how the numbers are crunched and who is doing the crunching. Nevertheless, health care and it's related industries and our overall domestic output are in for a severe shock if Obamacare is passed by Congress this year or next.

Thankfully, Obama's poll numbers are beginning to fade as a result of his extreme liberal policies and spending coupled with said policies. Clearly there is only one way to pay for another massive government takeover of a critical public market and that is through taxation. Taxes baby.

Whether in the top 1% or the middle 1/3 of the tax bracket, somebody, you, me, them, will be paying for this looming disaster. And as a lady hammered it home to Senator Arlen Specter and HHS Secretary Katherine Sebelius a few days ago, "If you can't run Cash for Clunkers, how can we expect you to run health care?" Agreed.

Our government is a rudderless ship captained by a Napoleonic egomaniac with a Congress full of dopes, degenerates, crooked shysters and life-long palm greasers that need to be thrown overboard to sink or swim with the fishes. Left to it's own devices with our tax revenues the Congress and Obama administration are like heroin addicts arguing over the last speedball that's already been shot up.

And now we have added creep factor of the government, more specifically the Obama administration, wanting your friends and neighbors to rat you out if you spread "dis-information" about Obama's health care overhaul plans. Seems rather benign on the front end, I mean, we're all on some list or another within the great vacuous black hole of the government, but what makes it more sinister is the fact that these lists could potentially be kept secret and permanent. And it doesn't appear to be legal. Obama, exactly what do you want little buddy?

We are not here to harm you, we are just sick of you raping our country for your unwanted and dangerous agenda. Look at the lunatics you've surrounded yourself with and you don't understand why middle America is concerned? There is a man in your administration who wrote a book condoning mass sterilization through the water supply as a form of population control for crissakes! And the Energy Secretary who suggested painting everything white to reflect light energy back into space. I have one word that blows that little theory into outer space and it's called winter.

If you were looking for the middle of the road Brother Obama, start looking up because you're in the fucking ditch man. For you to expect us to get in lockstep with this draconian insanity is just, well, insane. Can you blame us when we hear the word trillion bantered about like it's common place?

Get over it bud and don't forget, dissent is patriotic. Or is it?

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