"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

Who is We?

I just read an editorial from the Philadelphia Inquirer written by Fatimah Ali in which she threatens that all-out race war will ensue if we don't elect Obama. And somehow tries to support this argument by saying John McCain is out of touch because he's not aware of how many homes HIS WIFE owns and that Barack Obama will save us all by "reducing taxes to 95% of American workers."

Hmmmm. What's that smell? Most people call it BULLSHIT.

Obama has repeatedly called for raising different and various forms of taxation.

Is he a liar or is "reducing taxes for 95% of American workers" the new parlance for raising taxes?

Consider me confused.

I'm glad I have a good memory, which is exactly what he and the Democrats hope the rest of America does not have. Write some of these promises down and after the election, don't be surprised at the reality.

And as far as the race war commentary is concerned, I don't think it's constructive dialogue to seed those kinds of ideas in your constituency Ms. Ali. The sheeple of America are a simple minded bunch and it wouldn't take too much to turn a seemingly innocuous statement into the kindling needed for the fires of chaos.

And if my memory serves me correctly, didn't Barack Obama make some statement about a "quiet riot" sometime ago?

Yes. He. Did.

Democratic talking points or the politics of Hope and Change?

Drink your Kool-Aid people.

Greasywrench AKA rich b  – (Tuesday, September 2, 2008 at 12:39:00 PM CST)  

I wonder if Fatimah Ali was making a prediction or if her idiot statement was just wishful thinking. I'm amazed it took so long for someone like her to say this. Then again I'm not surprised. It's just far-left behavior taken to an absurd extreme - do what I want or I'll kill you.

America will get an example of the true extent of gun ownership should people take to the streets in violent protest if Obama loses in November.

I don't hunt and I haven't owned a gun in over twenty years but I can guarantee you that I won't hesitate to exercise my Second Amendment rights should this happen.

I saw what happened in the Los Angeles Riots after the police trials in the Rodney King beating case and the only people who were able to protect themselves were gun owners. LAPD just stood around while houses and businesses burned.

Hopefully Ms Ali will be the first casualty when and if the shooting starts. Fuck her and the horse she rode in on.

Anonymous –   – (Tuesday, September 2, 2008 at 1:15:00 PM CST)  

Lefties are only against wars when Republicans are in control. And what do they resort to when they don't get their way???.........violence.

And I love how "organized" the anarchists are...they even have a uniform! I guess they missed the irony in that (and hypocrisy).

Anonymous –   – (Thursday, September 4, 2008 at 6:36:00 AM CST)  

well, you sees here you whitey crackers. the only ways we's bees knowins how to orgamanize is be in a violence and riotus fashion statements. so yous bees lookins out fo us'es.

we gon get you suckas if'n yous crackers don'ts bees votin for our main man barack.

load up nickras! the fight be comin!

Anonymous –   – (Friday, September 5, 2008 at 11:45:00 AM CST)  

simple mathematics turned idiotic, like most things are flipped around this blog. just look to see the demographics of whose taxes drop and whose rise, off obama's site or anywhere you can get the plan sans opinion from other side, and you'll see it's this simple:

richest 5%: taxes go up.
other 95%: taxes go down.

respond crudely to this, please.

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