"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

You Think You Know Him?

Probably not.

But he knows you. The gullible, soft-eared, weak-minded, dilettantes that make up a surprising bulk in this country.

He has sold you a bill of goods on the crisp, yet flimsy edges of two simple words: hope and change.

Bunk and twaddle, I say.

I've heard his speeches, seen the debates, watched in shame as he fumbles around for words without his teleprompter crutch. This man is a vapor, an empty shell of a being; his perceived guile, intellect and sagaciousness are all products of the well-organized, but deceptive creation of the image of the man.

He is nothing new. The cult of personality is a strong attraction for some, irresistible to others and downright dangerous for the rest of us who dare to think outside what is fed to us by a complicit media. His likeness has appeared before. He preached the same ideals and beliefs. In the end, he is destroyed by the aforementioned.

Think, if your able, before you cast your vote. There could be some very dark times ahead.

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