Back Off Whitey!
>> Wednesday, December 2, 2009 –
black and white,
Michelle Malkin,
race relations
Example #42,298,221 of why we all can't get along.
Now, this guy embodies many of the finer qualities of an urban man: angry, mean, inability to control emotion and action, lack of proper speaking skills, but most importantly, a self-inflated but tender ego, which is easily punctured by his own lack of self-esteem.
Why can't we all get along? Because people like him make a living by keeping the waters between us disturbed with outrageous claims of abuse and insult, when frankly, the days of the angry black civil rights movement is over.
People on both sides are ready to move on, but you'll never be able to do that while looking over your shoulder at the past, pal-o-mine.
Toast, I had a feeling it was Barron before I ever clicked on the link. This asshole shows up on FOX every now and then and he literally seethes on every show he appears. He actually makes Sharpton look like Pollyanna. He's fucking ridiculous.
OT: it's good to see you're still alive and kickin. I was begining to worry about you Bud.
Greasy my man, this S.O.B. and that the BEST thing I can think to call him, is quite typical of the raft of blacks who have made something of themselves, have achieved and strived for a higher goal, but once there, still can't shake the weakness of low self-esteem.
It's obvious that the guy is not happy with who he is, otherwise he'd be just another well-adjusted human being witnessing a news-conference instead of going ape-shit nutters in a public forum.
I'm telling you, white people are getting damned tired of this type of insidious behavior, finger-pointing, victimhood/blame game from the militant "rise up, black power" movement. Listen up black people, you've "rosed up" and no one is standing in your way except yourselves.
I guess if you want to look at Barron in an objective light you might say he's just milking the same cow over and over. Exploiting "White Guilt" has worked for him, Sharpton, Jackson, and so many other "Professional Angry Black Men" so they aren't about to quit the scam now. And as long as anyone of any color can be conned by these flim-flam snake oil salesmen they're gonna run with it.
As far as I know, my ancestors didn't own slaves or lynch anyone so Barron and all the other con artists can kiss my guilt-free ass.