"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

Is Anyone Surprised By This?

Blacks can't eat BBQ at Juneteenth celebrations in Texas and clearly it's nothing but pure, simple, old-fashioned, "modern-day slavery."

Well slap my balls and call me Jimmy! Boo fucking hoo!

Whites are not responsible for your repression any longer. Get the fuck over yourselves. And white people, get the fuck over your guilt.

Want to see "modern day slavery?"

Look at this or this or this. Or this and this.

Streets of Detroit? Nope. Ghettos of Philadelphia? Nope. Mother fucking Africa, where blacks are repressing blacks daily.

Killing, raping, destroying. For what?

Sound familiar? Uh, can you say Compton?

Homboys on the streets of New Orleans or anywhere else in the USA don't have a fucking thing to complain about. EVERYTHING, EVERY OPPORTUNITY is right in front of them and others like them for the taking, but no, they'd rather be dumbass, ignorant, uneducated losers, selling crack, carrying a gat, filling their mouths with cheap gold, driving Impalas with 24" rims, living in squalor, talking a bastardized version of English that nobody can understand with their asses hanging out their pants and their dick and balls in their hands. Great choice assholes.

Every opportunity is there for you. You just gotta take the chance to be different and quit blaming the POOR CHOICES YOU MAKE ON PEOPLE LIKE ME.

I pay my dues and I receive the benefits. It's not because I'm white, it's because I am a reasonable and decent human being. I think that's all anyone wants anymore. At least I do. We should all do our best to contribute to society, not take away. What are you doing?

Fuck you and fuck your stupid bling. You deserve it.

Call me a racist if you like. Does it make you feel better? After you say it, why don't you go stare in the mirror for a few minutes. Are you a hater? Chances are. . .

Thanks Michelle for pissing me right off.

Oh and one more fine tidbit about Africa. This in Kenya. And you're worried about your fucking BBQ sandwiches. Pathetic.

Greasywrench AKA rich b  – (Wednesday, June 25, 2008 at 12:04:00 AM CST)  

What a whining bunch of fucking Donkey Dicks. I bet folks would be singing a different tune if a couple of hundrend people got sick from contaminated food.

"Modern Day Slavery" my ass! Gimme a fucking break. You whining fucks at this barbeque owe an apology to the family of every REAL civil rights marcher who was hosed, murdered, (that list includes a couple of white Jewish Boys) or bitten by police dogs.

Next thing that's gonna happen is Al Sharpton will show up and try and get a few miles out of this one.

If you nitwits wanna see what real problems are check out what's happening in Zimbabwe right now before you piss and moan about freedoms.

Greasywrench AKA rich b  – (Wednesday, June 25, 2008 at 12:13:00 AM CST)  

Post Script:
Toast, one thing I have noticed in reading about the troubles in so many of the countries in Africa. The one common denominator is - Black on Black crime is epidemic. Sort of like what goes on every day in the "hood".

dave in boca  – (Wednesday, June 25, 2008 at 6:42:00 AM CST)  

Remember that 60 Minutes interview with Michelle when she whines & whimpers about "black man can't go to a gas station without being shot, black men get shot every day.?"

Neither do I cuz the MSM has buried it deeper than a borehole! You know, those oil-test wells that go down a mile? Hillary got whacked for two weeks for one comment on Obama & RFK---Michelle whines on 60 Minutes and nary a peep from the creeps who ruin our lives with their tendentious reporting.

CBS sure isn't going to do anything to hurt Michelle & Barry Hussein-O.

And of course, the people shooting those black men she was whining about are invariably black. If a white man would shoot someone for money or a car, he'd be smart enuf to shoot someone rich or driving a Hummer! Or an Escalade. Or in CA, a Prius!

Greasywrench AKA rich b  – (Wednesday, June 25, 2008 at 7:28:00 PM CST)  

Damint Dave. I just figured out who you look like. Do the initials E.H. mean anything to you? How about Pappa? I bet you've heard it before.

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