"Americans used to say where there's a will, there's a way. Nowadays, it's where there's a pill, there's a way out." - - Burnt Toast

Amen Brother!

Someone with some level-headed brain power skewers our corrupt media. It's about time sensible voices like this are heard again! And without the Fairness Doctrine to boot!

We are nearing a new paradigm in our collective 200+ year-old idea of democracy. As we close in on our presidential election, the likelihood of a slow creep towards socialism seems like an ever-burgeoning reality and with the Democrats teetering on a supermajority in Congress, socialism is almost an after-thought.

I suspect that Obama will try to push through a whole new raft of social engineering programs geared towards helping the helpless or as I like to call them, those who don't want to be and can't be helped. Government doles of the common wealth will never and have never leveled the playing field or equalized class and status. In fact, as an article from the American Thinker states, the needs of the state always rises above the needs of the people in a socialist government:

It took Marx and Engels to carry socialism to the next level, in which they envisioned the complete overthrow of all governments, with the workers of the world uniting so that all contributed to a single socialist government, which in turn would give back to them on an as needed basis. Assuming that you're not big on individualism and exceptionalism, this might be an attractive doctrine as a way to destroy want and exploitation, except for one thing: It does not take into account the fact that the state has no conscience.

Once you vest all power in the state, history demonstrates that the state, although technically composed of individuals, in fact takes on a life of its own, with the operating bureaucracy driving it to ever greater extremes of control. Additionally, history demonstrates that, if the wrong person becomes all-powerful in the state, the absence of individualism means that the state becomes a juggernaut, completely in thrall to a psychopath's ideas.
I simply cannot fathom why people in America desire such a radical shift in our social policies. Have fifty years of LBJ's Great Society bred a generation or two of people who cannot or will not care for themselves, permanent hand-holder-outers? Do we really need our government telling us what to do, or can or can't do on a daily basis? Should we be adding bureaucracy to the already over-bloated United States government?

They prove, on a daily basis I might add, the ineptitude of their spending and management of programs that are broken and have been for many years. Think Social Security. Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac. Medicare. Just to name a few.

Do we really need to feed the beast even further with 1 trillion dollars in new spending? Promises from Obama to cut spending are about as likely as Uzbekistan sending a woman to the moon, but at least McCain has a history of trying to control spending.

Obama has a history of what? Voting present? Running for president? Being a snob and going to a racist church?

The answer to those, my dear friends, is yes. A very profound yes.

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